Saturday, 6 October 2012

Pimping Party Pizza!

Something for the weekend peeps! Everybody feels like they're 12 again when they're making pizza, and the beauty is you can literally put ANYTHING on it. I've even seen a chocolate pizza but I'll make no comments about that one. We've opted for traditional ingredients with lots of bright colours and delicious flavours. Also making pizza dough is a lot of fun, don't be scared, go for it.

To make one 10-12" pizza:

For the dough:
  • 250g pizza flour (I cheated with a prepared pizza flour with added yeast, if not use any strong flour and a sachet of dried yeast)
  • 125ml warm water (about 30°C)
  • good pinch of salt
  • a glug of olive oil
For the topping:
  • tomate frito
  • single cream
  • pineapple
  • chorizo
  • cured ham
  • fresh tomato 
  • mushrooms
  • mozzarella
  • dried herbs
  • salt and pepper

1. The dough. Pour 125ml of warm water over the flour in a bowl. Using a whisk or hand blender, whip up the mix to combine it. Then add a good pinch of salt and a glug of olive oil, and get stuck in with your hands and knead it until it's a nice smooth ball. Cover the bowl with a teatowel and leave in a warm place for 30 minutes so the dough can rise.

2. Prep your topping! Chop the tomatoes and mushrooms and make the sauce: fill a glass with half cream and half tomate frito and add a few shakes of garlic powder, a teaspoon of parsley and oregano and salt and pepper.

3. Now for the fun part! Take the dough which should now be about double the size, place on a floured surface and sprinkle over some flour. Now you will need some sort of rolling pin, we unfortunately don't have one so we used a half-drunk wine bottle. Roll out to the desired shape, as thin as you can, and put on a sheet of foil on a baking tray.

4. Spoon the sauce mixture over the dough and arrange the rest of the ingredients, then top with mozzarella cheese, a glug of olive oil and a sprinkle of salt, pepper and dried herbs. Whack in the oven for 15 mins at 200.

5. Serve with a fresh green salad! So so sooooooooooooo tasty!!!!

Whilst we were making these beauties, we were jamming to this tune: 

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