Sunday, 16 December 2012

Setitas Silvestres with Wild Rice

'Tis the season of wild mushrooms in Spain. And boy are they delish!! Packing a serious punch of flavour and texture, these babies also look awesome when added to any dish, and you can get a little box of them for 2 euros. The combo of garlic, mushrooms, butter and fresh parsley really can't go far wrong....

You'll be needing:
  • a tray of wild mushrooms
  • handful of fresh parsley
  • a knob of butter
  • a small onion
  • pinch of sugar
  • salt and pepper
  • 2-3 garlic cloves
  • olive oil
  • wild rice 

1. First, fry the chopped onion and crushed garlic cloves in a knob of butter and a good glug of olive oil. When they start to sweat, sprinkle over a little sugar.

2. Roughly chop the mushrooms, not too much, you want them to still be chunky. Throw these in with the onions and garlic, fry on a medium heat for about 5 minutes before roughly chopping the parsley and sprinkling this over the top.

3. Whip up some wild rice, sprinkle over a little lemon juice then add a good ladle of the mushroom mix before sprinkling over a good pinch of sea salt and crack of pepper. A very quick and delicious packed lunch I made for myself and my housemate! Enjoy!